Friday, September 10, 2010

Yogurt. A Brief - but valid - Complaint.

Yogurt makes me gag.

I like yogurt. I don't really have a problem with the way it tastes. There's just one teeny tiny little detail that gets me every time. 

"Live and Active Cultures" 

Have you ever seen these words displayed on your yogurt container? They advertise them like they are a good and healthy thing. For me, it is guaranteed queasiness. In my mind, it's like discovering a fly in your pizza and then eating him because someone says that he's "good for you". (Which has actually happened to me ... sorta. I found an unlucky fly baked right into my cheese pizza from Ci Ci's. FYI, I didn't eat that either. Who would?)

I have a very vivid imagination. In my imagination, I imagine that "live and active cultures" look like those charming little animated characters on the Nerds candy box. I also envision them doing Tae-Bo on my tongue until I swallow the busy little fellas. That's the part of the vision where the heaving begins and my appetite is surrendered.

My children love yogurt (and admire the Trix rabbit on the label). Cameron alone can devour 4 individual containers in one sitting. I suppose he can have a free pass ... after all, he can't read. Unfortunately for me, sometimes he likes to share. It's not uncommon for him to come charging at my face with a gunky spoonful of (hiccup) yogurt. The worst part is that he actually expects me to eat it. And I do because that's what momma's do. We eat random food that our preschoolers (force) feed us. Sure, he won't share his Thomas the Tank Engine with anyone ... but yogurt ... he'll share. Go figure.

In a perfect world "live and active cultures" would be secluded to Krispie Kreme doughnuts, ice cream sundaes, double fudge brownies and other foods in the "Yep, that's going straight to my rear end" category.

Thank you for listening to my yogurt rant.

Please note that this blog (admittedly, not my best work) was only published to tide you over until I finish the other blog in my draft folder ...

"OMG! It's Gonna Explode!"

Stay tuned. But don't hold your breath ... you've seen how often I post new reading material. ;o) 

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