My name is Alison. I'm a 30 year old (I only put my age because I thought that one day it may be relevant. Ever since I hit the big 3-0, age is a pretty touchy subject for me. I am exactly 9 months and 2 days older than my husband. Lucky him. Pffft. He reminds me of our slight age difference often.) wife and mother. My job title goes way beyond "Stay at Home Mom" ... I could choose a more fancy title like Peacekeeper, Ruler of the Little People or even Mayor of Crazy Town ... but for now, I'll leave it at "Stay at Home Mom". I have two wonderful children ... 9 year old Aubree, she's beautiful and brilliant. And 3 year old Cameron, he's my inquisitive little power house. They are great ... they eat all of the food, they can induce a minor headache, and occasionally pee and/or poo on things. Wait! Forget that I said that ... pee and poo are not classy enough for my first post. Stay tuned for future stories of that nature ... I have a 3 year old potty trainee. I've been married for almost 8 years to the love of my life, Tom. As corny as it may sound ... he's also my BFF (an acronym for "best friend forever" - for those of you without a 9 year old daughter). We live in a small town in northern Virginia. Both of us were born and raised here. Tom would pack up the family and move away if I gave him the 'okay'. Sadly, I'm not a huge fan of maps or foreign grocery stores. It'll never happen. I really do like it here. Besides, most of my family also resides here. Including my wonderful Mom ... you can call her Donna or SGT D for short. She's another one of my BFF's ... leaving her would not only break my heart ... it would also break my babysitter hook-up. What stay at home mom, in her right mind, would forfeit a babysitter for the great unknown? Not this one.
I know that most folks have entertaining tales about their lives, however I'm pretty certain that my family goes above and beyond the call of duty when it comes to hilarity. Hence the newest member of my family ... my blog. You ask and you shall receive! Here it is ... the casual ramblings of a Supermom (sans cape).
Was that good?? I'm new to this blogging thing, I'm not exactly sure what the rules are - if any.
Sadly, I have to go. My son just did a face plant into the floor while pretending he was a "horsey". He recovered from his sloppy dismount and slapped his sister ... she was giggling. Hello "time out chair"...
I look forward to the next installment of m'blog ... I hope you do too.
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